Welcome to the home of the USA Grits N' Gravy Gang™!
Echolink Conference server: *USA-GNG*
Node 591550
** NEW** You can now use a hotspot (PI-Star, OpenSpot) to connect to the USA Grits-N-Gravy. Use the NEARC TG 31257 on the Brandmeister Network. Our sincerest thanks to W0JAY for hosting this link.
A great place to have a friendly rag-chew session on Echolink. We are just a group of people that like to talk - it doesn't matter to who, doesn't matter if you had talked to them ever before - just the idea that people having a nice chat and rag-chew should be a good time!
So come on and join us, I am sure you'll find everyone to be friendly and very willing to talk! Enjoy!